Fear of flying

aviophobia [ey-vee-uh-foh-bee-uh, av-ee-

1. fear of flying in an airplane or other aircraft

It’s just a flying bus that goes 30,000 ft into the air ... what can be scary about that? I wonder what the Wright brothers were thinking. Those crazy AMF were like, hey let’s go up in the air to travel what could go wrong? At least today we have metal or aluminum buses that some how go fast enough to take flight. If you have a fear of flying, big or small, welcome to the club. My personal fear of flying constantly changes. If I’m alone I’m a little more brave (because I don’t have a hand to hold, gotta hold my own or the one of the person sitting next to me), if I’m with my husband I get a little more nervous (seems backwards I know). No matter where, when, how or with whom I still have this tiny fear I carry with me.

I don’t care how many times I've read that flying is safer than driving a car, when you hit a bump of turbulence at 6 miles above the ground it doesn’t feel like a freaking car ride. Although, this is a tool I use to get me through the slightest turbulence. Mumbling to myself like a crazy persons “it’s just a bumpy car ride, it’s just a bumpy car ride”. If I’m flying alone not only do I silently talk to myself, but I may even hug the person sitting next to me, hold their hand, or even switch seats to be closer to a baby. I don’t know why, but babies are my friend on solo flights!

The biggest step to recovery, oh boy this is starting to sound like an AA meeting, is to think about the root of the fear. Now I just sound like some quack sudo psychologist. For me I had a terrible flight with 3 hours full of turbulence and then followed it with a trip in one of those tiny tin can planes where half the stuff didn’t work. Let me tell you, if you want to have a fear or understand how much a plane can bump and sway and still stay in the air take a ride in one of those. After those fun trips it was official, a once fearless flier, now has a fear of flying. The next time I got on a flight I literally had an emotional break during take off to the point of me being unrecognizable. I knew this wasn’t going to be me for every flight because I like to travel too much and fear won’t get me on this one! I had to figure out some tips and tricks to get me through the longest and shortest of flights.

How To Deal 
One thing that always helps is actually a tip from Megan Fox. Isn’t it nice when you hear celebrities also share your irrational fears! In some interview she said she listens to Britney Spears because nothing bad can happen when listening to Britney. I now have adapted that same philosophy, my flight list consists of Katy Perry, Brittney, Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus. When it’s time for take off I put on the most bubble gum pop and just breath. I mean god won’t let me die while listening to I’m a Slave For You or Shake It Off, will he or she?!?! I like to think not!

If your fear is a little more than some mild nerves, Katy Perry and some deep breathing might not help get you through the whole experience. Trust me I’ve been there too! For a long time a would take a Valium prescribed by my doctor before my flight just to help get me in a zen state. Be careful with anything like that though. You want to be relaxed, but also don’t want to pull a Brides Maids situation and get kicked off a plane.

Some people also suggest taking a simulation course. I guess they have those out there. I actually thought about it, but never felt like I was that bad off. But hey you never know, it could be helpful just knowing what to do in an emergency.

A little more of a holistic approach I've used is hypnosis. There are tons of hypnosis apps you can download on your phone. I found a relaxation one I really liked and would listen to it on repeat before my flight and even during it. Now I wouldn’t become a drooling zombie, but it definitely helped me get my mind at easy and my breathing under control!

If you have a fear of flying it’s okay, but don’t let it keep you land locked there is too much to see! Try something, anything! Know that you can get through it! Worse case you get a good cry or pass out from hyperventilating and just magically wake up in a new town, city or country!

 P.S I’m on a flight right now and writing this seems to also be helping me through this 4 hour flight. Not to mention someone has been farting almost the whole time, not me I swear! 😫
Post flight feels
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