Now with a title like that, one may think I am writing an article about intimate time in the boudoir. Unfortunately in this case I'm not. Actually quite the opposite. Today I am going to dive deep into an issue some couples may run into while under the sheets. SLEEP!
I am often the photographer so there are very few pictures of me sleeping.... this was close enough. Sitting on a bed is good enough, right?!? |
My husband and I have been together for 7 years, living together for 4 and married 2. Over this almost decade together our sleeping habits and needs have changed and this has been linked to some playful and not so playful arguments on our sleeping arrangements over the past few years.
He can literally sleep anywhere at anytime. In this picture, we haven't even gotten on the plane, we have done no traveling yet. One should not be tired, but he can sit for 2 minutes and fall fast asleep like a little baby. |
Let me start from the beginning. When we were 21 and just starting to date, we could literally sleep every night on a couch in his parents basement and wake up in a blissful and at times hungover state of happiness. This was all fine and good until we started our first real jobs as adults. The thought now of sleeping on the couch is back breaking. Hopefully I'm not painting a picture of myself as an old lady, but lets be honest, I need some space and a couch no matter how comfy is always sub-pare to a bed. Don't get me wrong, I still find myself crashing on couches once in a blue moon, but trust me it's not good sleep or the kind I want to be having on the regular.
As we moved into adulthood and into a bigger bed it really felt like we were kings and queens, even though we were only in a FULL! This was all fine and dandy until we got our dog. Now before I continue, if you are just getting or going to get a dog or puppy in the future, just know if you let them sleep in the bed in the beginning there is no going back. So, be strong and fight those puppy dog eyes if you don't want to share your bed with what feels like 3 other people. Anyway, so after we got our little bed hogging monster, the full size bed we once thought was TOO big, now felt so tiny. After we moved into our house we decided to upgrade to a queen. It was then official, we had a "BIG" bed and all our sleep space problems would soon disappear. WE WERE WRONG!
This is our bed hog. She seems small right, well she's not. She stretches out and sleeps in the middle of the bed. In the summer she is like a small heater and makes it feel like you're sleeping in the rain forest. |
Now at this point in our lives we have moved from the can't get close enough, every moment feels like the last and have now entered the real love phase. That phase when your comfortable and some of your more true habits come to the surface. I won't even get into the kitchen cleanliness, I will save that for a later post. I personally need lots of space when I sleep, I toss and turn so I need the room to move. My husband is the opposite, he can sleep anywhere and in almost any position. Every night I would wake up feeling physically smothered by the person I love. Of course being the middle of the night I'd be my grumpy self, pushing him back to his "side". This "give me my sleep space" went on for months and I felt myself conflicted. On one hand I wanted, NEEDED some freaking sleep. On the other I hated feeling like I was pushing my man away. How could we, for the most part, solve this problem?
Again, he is always sleeping if he's not driving! |
It all started when I just caved. I told myself this is just how he shows his affection and just try to get used to it. I hear myself sounding horrible, I swear I'm not. So the first night I went in with open arms I hunkered down for a long night of cuddling. I woke up the next morning surprised, I hadn't woken up in frustration. He was on his "side". After a few nights of this experiment I realized, on most nights if I snuggle up a little before bed, he gets his cuddle session then goes to his side of the bed to sleep. There are still nights I wake up with what feels like his whole body on top of mine, but it's better!
Our sleeping habits are still changing and will continue to change, but if I've learned anything it's all about trying something new to find a happy middle ground. Flexibility is key, in all aspects of life 😝 (couldn't help myself with that one)
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