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Rant of the day: body positive

Here comes my rant of the day... so I’ve been in California for over a week and have had the opportunity to attend some of their many beaches. This is I think , like so many people,  a very intimidating experience. Having. 100% confidence is a rare trait and I applaud anyone who has that much “self-love”. But my experience was in some way a reassuring reminder  that we all have our own insecurities. I was with  one of my friends who is skinny and fit ,  and as we were on the beach she also felt insecure about her own body. I was taken back, thinking “ what are you talking about “ your in my mind “perfect”, but it just was a reminder that hey we all want , even if it’s just a little, something we don’t have. This then just lead me to reflect on the whole “self-love” trend and at times I feel pressured or guilty that I don’t have that much confidence in myself. It’s a double edge sword! Especially with all of these body positive social media accounts. I mean I love...

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