COCONUT oil pulling... it's weird, but I'm pretty sure it's worth it

I love trying new things and there is something about January, when your all hopped up on your new years resolution high to dive into any and ever new habit! This past month I dove into oil pulling.... and I love it!

SO there is a ton of information online about oil pulling. But, the idea is it's supposed to "pull" or remove harmful bacteria in the mouth,  reduce gum inflammation and possibly aid in teeth whitening. Now I haven't been to the dentist lately so I have no documented proof that it's been working in the gum department, but over all I haven't suffered from any negatives. My teeth don't look any whiter, but I usually like to use activated charcoal for that...

So what does one do?? In layman's terms you take a teaspoon of coconut oil, and swish is round your mouth without swallowing it for 10-15 minutes. Some people go up to 20 minutes.... I am not that person.

I've only worked up to 5 minutes of swishing the oil around, but I'm pretty sure I'd end up swallowing it all if I did it for much longer. One big benefit I've noticed is the lack of dry mouth. It's not a big problem of mine, but I'm a mouth breather when I sleep and tend to wake up with a super dry mouth, but as of lately it doesn't seen as bad. It's a moisturizer for your mouth! Also, because your covering your mouth in coconut oil, it also ends up on your lips... BONUS moisture!

I don't do it every day cause if I'm running late in the morning I often barely remember to brush my teeth (just speaking the truth! ) But when I wake up as a calm, non-frantic, not running too late human I do it when I walk the dog. This is kinda perfect cause it takes about 5 minutes to walk her and then I rinse with some coffee and it gives the first sip a nice coconut cream taste!

A word to the wise DON'T spit it out in the sink! I usually spit it in the bushes since I'm outside with the dog or in the trash, it can really clog up your pipes. You've been warned.

If your like me and coconut oil is like your Windex from My Big Fat Greek Wedding, and you put it on everything, this is just another magical way to incorporate this wonder product into your life!
